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==== Devlet Reforms ====
==== Devlet Reforms ====
The so called "Devlet Reforms" (Devlet=State) consisted of several changes that were made to the empire,[[File:Bild 2024-01-23 164622629.png|left|thumb|Devlet Reforms Notification, 11th November 2023]] in order to revive it. The changes made were mainly deadlines for Officers and Enlisteds, but also changes in the general sysetm of the empire.The changes were discussed with the new Divan with  new Pashas that have been promoted to Vezir (thus being members of Divan). All changes were chosen after long discussion and they aim to bring the Empire on the top again,  The changes are following:
The so called "Devlet Reforms" (Devlet=State) consisted of several changes that were made to the empire,[[File:Bild 2024-01-23 164622629.png|left|thumb|Devlet Reforms Notification, 11th November 2023]] in order to revive it. The changes made were mainly deadlines for Officers and Enlisteds, but also changes in the general sysetm of the empire.The changes were discussed with the new Divan with  new Pashas that have been promoted to Vezir (thus being members of Divan). All changes were chosen after long discussion and they aim to bring the Empire on the top again,  The changes are following:

Revision as of 18:09, 23 January 2024


Ottoman Empire

دولت عليه عثمانیه

Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿOsmānīye
Towny Name
/n list
Formed 14th August 2023
National Anthem
Motto دولت ابد مدت - Devlet-i ebed-müddet

"The Eternal State"

Population 20-30
Capital City Söğüt
Largest City Bursa
Oldest City Söğüt
Region Central Anatolian
Language(s) English/Ottoman
Religion(s) Islam
Government Information
Political System Absolute Monarchy
Padişah/Caliph N3VAL1K
Sadr-ı a’zam v1k_e
Mabeyn-i Hümayun Başkâtibi N/A
Legislature Dîvân-ı Hümâyun
Economic System
Army Size about 640k
Part of

The Ottoman Empire, historically and colloquially known as the Turkish Empire, is an empire that controlls most territories in the Anatolia Region.

The empire was founded in the middle of August 2023 in northwestern Anatolia in the town of Söğüt (modern-day Bilecik Province) by the Turkoman tribal leader Nevalik I.

Starting from a little beylik in Söğüt, the Ottomans crossed through the whole anatolia region and, with the conquest of big cities like Bursa, the Ottoman beylik was transformed into an empire.


The Ottoman Empire, established in 2023 with Sögüt as its capital and Sultan Nevalik I. as the Sultan, features

a centralized government blending Islamic traditions and administrative efficiency.

The empire thrives on trade, agriculture, and craftsmanship, making it one of the greatest economic world powers.

Sögüt quickly became a cultural hub, fostering literature, music, and the arts.

But also its Military is the Ottoman Empire's speciality, laying their focus on tactics, combat efficiency and finesse,


First Days

The Empire was founded on 14th August by the Sultan Nevalik Han I. Although the group isn't exactly the same, it obviousely is based off the real Ottoman Empire and its structure was made almost the same as it really was. The organisation of the systems, discord servers and bots took place in less than a week. After just two days, the empire opened its doors to new members. Following first advertisements, the empire experienced a steep climbed in their member count. The following days, new documents regarding military organisation were published and put in effect. A new game for the group was freshly being developed and territorial advances were made. The empire seemed invincible.

Ottoman Interregnum

After successfull first days, the empire fell into an interregnum and the expansion stopped. Also, the main developer wasn't able to work anymore, stopping the progress made on the map. With major problems in command, the Sultan had to see his Pashas fight each other for higher ranks. The empire's territorial expansion was halted until the problems were solved. Sultan Nevalik knew that he has to change something quick, in order to keep his Empire alive. Following the fights, 3 Pashas and 5 Officers were removed from their position and exiled from the empire. Now the empire had come back.

Devlet Reforms

The so called "Devlet Reforms" (Devlet=State) consisted of several changes that were made to the empire,

Devlet Reforms Notification, 11th November 2023

in order to revive it. The changes made were mainly deadlines for Officers and Enlisteds, but also changes in the general sysetm of the empire.The changes were discussed with the new Divan with new Pashas that have been promoted to Vezir (thus being members of Divan). All changes were chosen after long discussion and they aim to bring the Empire on the top again, The changes are following:

1 | General Reforms (Counts for every member)

  • You are required to have a verified Roblox account linked to the ottoman discord server
  • Every member of the Ottoman Empire has to be a member of its roblox group
  • You will not be granted access to all channels, if you are not verified

2 | Subay (Officer) Reforms

  • To be/stay commissioned, a Subay has to fulfill both of the requirements mentioned on top
  • Those who fail to fulfill these requirements, won't be able to be promoted to a Subay Rank.
  • Subaylar not meeting these criteria will be demoted to either Onbaşı if verified or Nefer if unverified.

Territorial Expansion

After the reforms, the Ottoman Empire made great advances in its territorial expansion and gained more and more power.

Anatolian Expansion

Thanks to the changes, the Ottoman Empire gained more territories in the anatolian region of turkey. Improved Economy and Industry also lead to that long term success. Especially with the conquest of the old Seljuk Capital Konya, the empire had proven its dominance in anatolia.

Arabian Expansion

Shortly after the successful conquests in anatolia, the Ottomans have also expanded into West Arabian territories, conquering the cities of Hatay and Aleppo. In the future, they aim to take suez, so they will further expand on the arab peninsula.