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User Guide

From RoNations Wiki
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So you wanna contribute? Perfect. This will act as a comprehensive guide on how to edit and the do's/dont's. Before editing it's extremely advised you join our Discord, we have a wiki-discussions channel which you can use to ask for help.

How To Edit

You have to register an account before editing, we advise your name be the same as your roblox name or discord name. On the top of pages are Edit and Edit Source buttons, Edit acts as a visual editor which can be helpful in a lot of instances, using Edit does break the [[Category: ]] and other texts you put in Edit Source, so you must fix those if they get broken.. Using Edit Source is the recommended way of doing it.

If you wish to make edits to a page then you may do so, all users are allowed to freely edit and fix stuff on other pages, what we don't allow is users trying to rewrite others pages because "they didn't like it" or "it's stupid" or anything like that, if you make edits to another page you must have valid reason too. If you wish to edit because the lore conflicts with yours, discuss it in wiki-discussions to make a resolution first, do not edit stuff then have a tantrum when we undo it and mute you. We do recommend people contribute as much as they can, if you know some data is wrong then feel free to fix it, if you have some information you think is important feel free to add it. This is a public site where community contribution is key.

How To Make A Page

To make a page, in your url bar after the ?title= replace whatever is there with the name of the page you want to make, i.e ?title=Rheinmetall would take me to the Rheinmetall page so instead I want to replace Rheinmetall with the name of the new page, so if I wanted to call that page test I would do ?title=test. Then in the "There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, search the related logs, or create this page." text I press "create this page" which brings me to the editor, in which I press "Save Page" at the bottom left. That is basically all there is too it, to add spaces in the page name just put _ between them, i.e ?title=test_with_spaces and the title will be "test with spaces". Please do not spam pages. Keep pages relative to a specific thing, and do not make pages that try to copy/replace or pretend to be another page, additionally when making a page for a nation that doesn't have a page yet, that is allowed but please if you can notify them in the wiki-discussions channel in the Discord.

What If A Page Name Is Taken?

Name it something else. If that is taken, name is something else.

How To File A Report

You can report pages or files by joining our Discord or emailing support at [email protected]. We advise you use tickets for reporting pages and inappropriate files as it is the quickest method, to report copyrighted material being used we recommend you email us.


Categories are used to show off lists of pages under a specific topic, some examples could be the nations category or the wars category. They essentially act as lists for all pages under specific topics.

Adding A Page To A Category

It is very simple, there is no designated place to put this but best practise is at the top, we always recommend at the top as it just makes it easier, to add a page to a category add [[Category: {category name goes here}]], remove the {} where it says category name goes here, do not put {}, i.e [[Category: Nations]] if I wanted to put a page on the Category:Nations category.


When using the Edit feature instead of the Edit Source feature all Categories will be broken. Just go into Edit Source and change all the [[index.php?title=Category:{category name goes here}]] to [[Category: {category name goes here}]], of course remove the {} else it wont work. This is a must, you must do this fix. If you are caught doing using Edit continuously without fixing the category you will be temporarily muted from editing. Categories cannot be made by users, they have to contact site mods or the owner to make one.

Formatting And Layout

Text Formatting

Mediawiki (the software we use for the wiki) has documentation and a cheat sheet which can be found here. Here is some basic text formatting that you can use on your page:

  • ''text goes here'' | makes text italic.
  • '''text goes here''' | makes text bold.
  • '''''text goes here''''' | makes text bold and italic.
  • [[name of page]] | creates a link to a page on RoNation's.
  • [[name of page|display text goes here]] | creates a link to a page on RoNation's but instead of the page name being displayed, "display text goes here" is instead.
  • [[:Category:name of category]] | creates a link to a category.
  • [] | creates a link to an external website.
  • [ display text goes here] | creates a link to an external website but instead of url it shows "display text goes here".
  • [ display text goes here] | creates a link to an external website but instead of [1] it shows "display text goes here".
  • ~~~ | puts a signature on the page with a link to your account.
  • ~~~~ | puts a signature on the page with a link to your account and the date of editing.
  • ~~~~~ | puts a signature on the page with the date and time of editing.
  • <nowiki> and </nowiki> | anything between those tags will not be formatted.
  • ==Heading 1== | a Level 1 heading.
  • ===Heading 2=== | a Level 2 heading.
  • ====Heading 3==== | a Level 3 heading.
  • =====Heading 4===== | a Level 4 heading.
  • # one | created a outline numbered heading.
  • # two | created a outline numbered heading.
  • ## two point one | created a outline numbered heading, the number is of the # above it.
  • # three | created a outline numbered heading.
  • * | adds element to a bullet list.
  • ;Definition | creates a definition list.
  • :item itemname | to be used on definition lists.
  • __TOC__ | adds a table of content.
  • {{TemplateName }} | adds a template.
  • [[File:Example.jpg|thumb|Caption text]] | adds a file.
  • [[Category: Name]] | adds a page to a specific category.

Most html tags are available, if you do not know html, then you can look up tags here.

Best Practises


Do not change the font, it will resort in the font being removed. Try to keep text at its current state, no big bold stuff unless it's important info, no small text unless it's additional info, no italic text unless it's describing something.

Grammar And Language

This site is English, all pages must be written in English, do not use google translate. If you cannot write in English ask someone who can. Grammar is required when writing. That means full stops, commas, apostrophes and so on. Foreign languages are allowed when needed like when naming a country/city/person/place or thing, if a page is entirely written in non-English or majority of it is non-English it will be removed.


We try to keep RoNation's good for all users. Stuff like swearing and offensive language however are allowed on pages.


When using links to offsite platforms we advise you add text to describe what that link does, i.e [[], just something to give a warning or disclaimer where it will take you. When using internal links the same goes i,e [[Nation:_Cork|The Kingdom Of Corcaigh]], when linking to nations please try and put their full name in the link.

How links work is you put the page name on the left side of the | and the display text on the right and wrap it in a [ ]


The TOC stands for table of contents, that box with the link to the subcategories? that's the TOC. You can put a TOC on your page with __TOC__. It is recommend that first your page has a summery then the TOC under it then the main stuff under that. i.e:

'''Page''' or page name summary goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla bibendum diam at dolor luctus, eget efficitur felis rutrum. Nulla et ante posuere, tempor dolor a, facilisis leo. Aliquam imperdiet, ante quis consequat ullamcorper, ipsum libero hendrerit purus, a tempus lacus leo ut purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas at suscipit sem, id lacinia tellus. Integer tempor dolor ornare tempus faucibus
==Category 1==
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla bibendum diam at dolor luctus, eget efficitur felis rutrum. Nulla et ante posuere, tempor dolor a, facilisis leo. Aliquam imperdiet, ante quis consequat ullamcorper, ipsum libero hendrerit purus, a tempus lacus leo ut purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas at suscipit sem, id lacinia tellus. Integer tempor dolor ornare tempus faucibus. Proin convallis, mi ac bibendum tincidunt, justo arcu congue erat, eu luctus felis tellus eu lacus. In sed felis sollicitudin, ullamcorper enim eget, vulputate sapien.

It looks nicer, it's more organised and it is just useful, why does the TOC need to be at the top? Does your summary really require its own category?

How To?

If you are still unsure on how to use the text formatting on mediawiki, they have a cheat sheet cheatsheet which can be viewed here. Or ask on the wiki-discussions channel on the Discord.


Files like mp4 videos, mp3 or ogg sounds and png's are extensively used on RoNations to display all sorts like flags, maps and anthems. However are are some caveats and rules to files.

Rules To Uploading Files

Rule 1: No Illegal Material

RoNation's does not take responsibility for what is uploaded, under Section 230 we are not legally responsible for the content users upload. If a user uploads anything that violates the law it will be instantly taken down and the users ip and data will be handed over to appropriate authorities and the user will be banned, we do not tolerate illegal material being uploaded on our servers.

All copyrighted material will instantly deleted, if you have found your copyrighted assets have been uploaded on RoNations, then please contact [email protected] and we will take it down. Again, our servers are not for hosting illegal/copyrighted material and we actively monitor it to take any down and to report that user to appropriate authorities.

Rule 2: No Explicit Material

Anything that is considered 18+ is banned, if you are caught posting something 18+ depending on severity you will be warned or be banned from posting. We do not tolerate 18+ content being shown here and wish to keep RoNation's safe for all ages.

Keep It RoNation's Related

It must be related to something in RoNation's, this is not your personal storage bucket and this is not a place to host your files.

File Size

Anything over 50mb is not allowed.

Symbols And Political Insignia

When it comes to symbols like the hammer and sickle, swastika and other stuff in that category, they are allowed, we ask you try to limit your use however they are still allowed to be uploaded. Stuff like Hamas, Isis, KKK, Unit 731 are banned. If it's modern day symbols like the ISIS flag or the KKK symbol then it is banned, any extremist symbol that's actively used today is banned. If you are confused then join our Discord and feel free to join there.

We require all users to follow these rules so we can keep RoNations a safe and fun place for all ages!

How To Upload A File

Go to here to upload a file. Select your file, and give it a name (or not it don't matter) then give it a summary (or not, it doesn't matter if you do), if you are uploading stuff that is from other wikis or something you didn't make, credit it, one example is shipbucket, if you use images/assets from shipbucket without properly crediting it, it will be deleted and you warned, the excuse "I don't know how to credit" wont be tolerated as below is a guide on how to credit. Disable watch this file if you want too, we do not recommend disabling ignore any warnings as there sometimes is issues with certain file names.

How To Credit

In the summary you must:

  • Give the url to the site you found it on
  • Give the url to the page the image/video/audio is hosted on
  • Give a url to the user who uploaded (if any)
  • Put in the name of the user who uploaded it
  • Put in the text "RoNation's does not take ownership of this asset, all rights to source credited"

This is not optional, additionally if you use assets from shipbucket you must not edit out the users name. By uploading you agree that your file can be used on any page on RoNation's.

How To Find A File

all files can be viewed here. If you are looking for specific types of files, go to [Special:MIMESearch]

Contacting Support

We have a Discord which has support tickets where you can contact the project owner and/or staff. If that's not what you need then our support email is [email protected]. All enquiries go there, emails are typically read on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.