Using Categories

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Categories are stuff like guides, a page where you can be linked too numerous other pages, pages are added too categories by adding [[Category: CategoryName]]

Creating a category

Creating a category is easy. Its just like making a page however you add "Category:" at the start of the name. For example if I wanted too make a Cats category, I would put in the url bar, remember category names aren't case sensitive meaning if I go to Category:cats it would still take me too the "Cats" category.

Adding a page too a category

When adding a page too a category, we recommend you use the Edit source option rather than just plain Edit, however we will discuss how too do both.

Using Edit source

When using edit source you just ad [[Category: CategoryName]] too the top of the page, we cannot recommend putting it at the top enough. Remember, instead of CategoryName, put the category of where you want it too go, then when done and you have edited it, at the bottom should be a blue link with the category's name, that means you have successfully linked it too a category.

Using Edit

Same stuff, put [[ then it will automatically bring up an input field, you just type the name of the category.

Adding a category too a category