How Do Wars Work

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How Do Wars Work

Wars are an essential part of RoNations, they are how nations settle beef with each other.

How To Declare War

As An Organisation

You can't. Organisations, like private military companies, can only assist in wars.

As A Faction

As A Nation


Occupying Land

The world is divided into thousands of tiles, when a nation does war, every tile they want to occupy they must do a battle for it (given it's defended). This is a requirement. If a invading state attacks and wins they are given the tile.

Each tile is supposed to have its own map but depending on the circumstance of whether a map is available this can change.

Capitulation Requirements

For a nation to force capitulation (surrender), their capital must be either taken or sieged for more than 4 days, and at at least 1/3 of their nation is controlled or being attacked, or the enemy nation runs out of equipment. These are enforced capitulations however can change from nation to nation depending on who's attacking and who's defending.

Uprise Requirements

If a nation has been taken over they must wait 1 week before being able to uprise, depending on size they can uprise in one or more tiles

number of players tiles can start initial revolts in
1 1 Tile
5 2 Tiles
10 3 Tiles
15 4 Tiles
20 5 Tiles
30 6 Tiles

Can you uprise in more than one tile at a time? Yes. Of course. Only if you have enough players. If a rebel wins in that tile they are automatically given it.