Republic Of Texas

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Revision as of 00:20, 26 January 2024 by TJRebel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Texan Republic The Texan Republic (TTR) was declared in late-May of 2017 by Blsck_Bat (now known as TexanJRebel, or TheRemainingPatriot) and again on May 23rd of 2018. The young nation was declared after a series of disagreements between the Texan State Government and U.S. Federal Government, eventually reaching a boiling point for the final time on May 23rd of 2018, when TexanJRebel declared the independence of the Republic of Texas. The nation has since existed...")
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The Texan Republic

The Texan Republic (TTR) was declared in late-May of 2017 by Blsck_Bat (now known as TexanJRebel, or TheRemainingPatriot) and again on May 23rd of 2018. The young nation was declared after a series of disagreements between the Texan State Government and U.S. Federal Government, eventually reaching a boiling point for the final time on May 23rd of 2018, when TexanJRebel declared the independence of the Republic of Texas.

The nation has since existed, experiencing many triumphs, hardships, defeats, victories, and civil wars. Yet, it continues to withstand the test of time to this day and maintains its military superiority over the ground forces of other nations.