New Celtia Militia

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The New Celtia Militia was a civilian militia sanctioned & commissioned by the Celtic Government, it was put in charge of Major MysticPekeo of the Celtic Defence Forces and Ministry of the interior. It was founded on June 25th by order of the Celtic Government upon recommendation by the Ministry of the Interior. It was attached to the FCA (Forsa Cosanta Aitiuil), the reserve arm of the Celtic Defence Forces

Roles and purpose of the militia

The militias purpose was to respond to and put down insurrection and other forms of public protest. It was commissioned after an increase in attacks by Communist revolutionaries (Namely the IPLA). It was to patrol areas where there was a chance of insurrection, or where attacks had recently occurred.


  • To put down insurrection.
  • Respond to and disperse protests.
  • Provide heavy fire support to local law enforcement.
  • Aid in the defence of the state in the event of a hostile incursion by a non-domestic force.
