Miltocracian Maritime Self Defence Force

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Miltocracian Maritime Self Defence Force
Part of:
National Information
Full Name The Royal Corkonian Coast Guard
Active 12th of February 2024
Service Branches
Country Flag Of Corcaigh Militocracia
Part of
Quick March
Motto "To Serve Militocracia."
Size 1 active personnel (Feb. 2024)

2 reserve personnel (Feb. 2023)

Part Of
Headquarters MSDFB Doha
Wars Fought
Battle honours
Commander In Chief MarpeePrime_OG
Admiral BansheeSentinel
Tik Tok
Roblox Group
Ranks And Insignias

Overview of the Militocracy Maritime Self-Defence Force

Official Militocracian Naval Ensign


The Militocracian Maritime Self Defence Force (MMSDF), often referred to as the naval arm of Militocracia, stands as a testament to the nation's commitment to securing its economic power and safeguarding its interests on the high seas. Established with the primary objective of protecting the nation's maritime borders and projecting power in strategic regions, the MMSDF plays a crucial role in ensuring the sovereignty and security of Militocracia.

One of the defining moments in the MMSDF's history was its deployment of Guided Missile Destroyers to enforce aerial denial measures over the capital city, Euphratesia. This strategic manoeuvre demonstrated the force's capability to assert control over crucial airspace and deter potential threats to the heart of the nation.

During the Suez Crisis, the MMSDF showcased its prowess by supporting the Sarmat Class Nuclear Submarines in denying access to potential invading Texan Defence Forces and other adversaries. This collaborative effort underscored the MMSDF's vital role in protecting critical chokepoints and ensuring the free flow of maritime traffic through key waterways.

Operating a diverse fleet of vessels ranging from guided missile destroyers to patrol boats, the MMSDF maintains a versatile and capable force ready to respond to various maritime challenges. Additionally, the MMSDF extends its support to Marine Command (Marine Soldiers) and Aerospace Command (The Air Force), ensuring seamless coordination and synergy across all branches of the Militocracian Armed Forces.

Through its steadfast dedication to maritime security and defence, the Militocracian Maritime Self-Defence Force continues to uphold the nation's interests and preserve its position as a formidable maritime power in the region.