Corkonian Armed Forces 2024 Re-Organisation Act

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The Corkonian Armed Forces 2024 Re-Organisation Act was an act that passed parliament in December of 2023 which saw the complete re-organisation of the Corkonian Armed Forces. It established a new chain of command, new ranks, new structure, new insignias and removed older traditions. This was to make the army a more cohesive force and a more professional force.

It involved the rewriting of the overall structure and command structure. In the old 2023 organisation everyone in a platoon belong too a specific corps, this has stuck however there have been a lot of changes too how platoons work in general. Additionally, the regimental system was fully adopted as the main system. Each Province has its own Brigade, in which each County has its own regiment, i.e the Cork Regiment (cork). Counties are limited to one regiment, there used too be such thing as the 1st and 2nd Cork regiments however that system has been abolished and replaced with one regiment per County. if a County is too small for a Regiment then they are given an independent Company instead, of which usually has about two-ish platoons.



The old ranks were abolished and replaced with ones that follows the Celtic Army's ranking structure, due to the entering of the Celtic Nations Defence Forces Cork needed a similar rank structure. The ranks of Senior Captain and Captain General were abolished, the rank of Lance Corporal was replaced with private 3rd class. The rank of private was split into private and private 2nd class. RSM and CSM were replaced with WO1 and WO2.


The new layout was designed too be flexible and more formidable, it follows a brigade-regimental system where each soldier is affiliated with a Corps.

Army Group

An Army Group is a administrative group that oversees an entire continent. The only Army Group as of February 2023 is Army Group Europa that has the members of the National Defence Committee that overlook European operations.


A Corps is a formation that does not possess any units, it is a speciality of a individual soldier, i.e the Infantry Corps and the Cyber Corps. There are multiple Corps that all have specific tasks and purposes which are set to layout training guides, regulations and rules. Each soldier has a Tactical Recognition Flash (TRF) that is too show what Corps they are affiliated with. Corp's are entirely led by a Lieutenant General who oversees the operations of the Corp's affiliated soldiers, each Lieutenant General that commands a Corps is also a part of the National Defence Committee and acts as a advisor to the chief of staffs.

As not all Corps are combat orientated, some units of specific Corps's are given Independent Battalions/Companies, i.e something like 3rd (Signals) Battalion or 42nd (Cyber) Battalion which would be attached to Regiments whereas regular battalions will just be 1st Battalion or 2nd Battalion or something just be an Independent Company. These independent units could occasionally be given their own cap badge.

You can find the list of all Corps here.


Each region has its own Division, the Hibernian Division is the Division responsible for the operations on the island of Hibernia[1] and the Brittania Division is responsible for operations on the British Isles, which involve Cornwall and Wales. Divisions are led by a Major General



  1. Ireland.