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Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Motto "Ar son Dé agus Tíre"
Population 1~ (As of 24/02/2023)
Capital City Limerick City (contested)
Largest City
Oldest City
Region Ireland
Language(s) Majority languages: Gaeilge, English
Religion(s) Catholic (Official)
Discord [1]
Government Information
Political System Absolute Monarchy
Commisar Frozejr7
Legislature unkown
Economic System Capitalism
Army Size
Part of

The Limerick Republic, a region steeped in history and tradition, is currently navigating a complex path towards autonomy from the Kingdom of Corcaigh. The quest for self-governance is rooted in a desire for local representation, a distinct cultural identity, and the ability to shape its own destiny.

Historically, the Limerick Republic has been an integral part of the Kingdom of Corcaigh, contributing economically and culturally to the broader entity. However, a growing sense of regional identity has fueled aspirations for more autonomy. Advocates for independence emphasize the unique characteristics of the Limerick Republic, its economic contributions, and the need for policies tailored to its specific needs.

The call for freedom is not merely a political movement; it resonates with the cultural fabric of the region. Local customs, traditions, and a distinct way of life have become rallying points for those seeking self-determination. The people of the Limerick Republic aspire to govern themselves in a manner that aligns with their values and aspirations.

The journey towards independence is marked by diplomatic negotiations, legal discussions, and a fervent public discourse. The region is actively engaging in dialogues to articulate its case for autonomy, drawing attention to economic disparities, cultural nuances, and the desire for a governance structure that better reflects the will of its people.

The pursuit of freedom is not an endeavor to sever ties completely but rather an effort to redefine the relationship with the Kingdom of Corcaigh, fostering a more equitable and representative form of governance for the Limerick Republic. The unfolding narrative reflects the region's commitment to shaping its own destiny and preserving its unique identity within the broader Irish landscape.