Army Ranger Wing (cork)

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Rathlin Coast Guard
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Shoulder tab:
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National Information
Full Name
Active 1st Janurary 2024
Service Branches
Country Kingdom of Cork Kingdom of Corcaigh
Part of Corkonian Army
Type Special Forces


Special operations

Direct action


Special reconnaissance

Extraction operations

Quick March
Colours Red, Gold, Black
Nickname(s) Rangers
Size Classified
Part Of
Headquarters Collin's Barracks, County Cork
Wars Fought
Battle honours
Officer in Commanding Lt. Vacant
Tik Tok
Roblox Group
Ranks And Insignias

The Army Ranger Wing is the special operations branch of the Corkonian Army, it was established in the Corkonian Armed Forces 2024 Re-Organisation Act in which a call for a team tasked with special operations, such as sabotage, infiltration, airborne and counter terrorism would be needed.


Previous Special Forces

An old decommissioned "Training Area" for the C.P.G
A Cork Presidential Guard Uniform

In Cork during the 2020-2022 period the main special operations unit was the "Cork Presidential Guard" (C.P.G) of which their goal was too protect and serve the Ceannaire[1] directly. This unit though was extremely ineffective, disorganised and was eventually decommissioned when it proved incapable of performing its duties of which were not even needed. The C.P.G was one of many S.O.F (Special Operations Forces) units within the Corkonian Army, others included the "Men In Black"[2] and the previous airborne troops however they were removed from the special forces designation.

The Corkonian Presidential Guard served as an example of what not too do with special forces, throughout Cork's history from 2022 onwards there were no attempts to re-establish a special forces unit. However, this did not ensure the Corkonian Army did not have units designated for special tasks, the Airborne and Marine corps were designated too be Special Operations Forces with their goals being infiltration and specialised assaults on enemies.

Overtime as Cork's position on the world stage dwindled and its army becoming less deployed the need for special operation units diminished and so the Special Operations Forces were completely removed in favour of regular infantry.


Under "Future Warfare" Section §1.F Corkonian Armed Forces 2024 Re-Organisation Act it states that the Corkonian Army would established a Battalion sized unit tasked with cross-world special operations.


Military Tasks

Aid to the civil power tasks (Black Role)

  1. Leader of Cork
  2. Never saw usage.