Republic of Honduras

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Revision as of 21:10, 4 April 2024 by Cachu (talk | contribs)
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República de Honduras
Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Motto Libre, Soberana, e Independiente
Population Roughly 12
Capital City Distrito Central (Tegucigalpa + Comayaguela)
Largest City Distrito Central
Oldest City Unknown (most likely Trujillo or Comayagua)
Region Central America

Latin America

Language(s) Official: Spanish

Spoken (unrecognized) regionally: English, Chorti, Garifuna, Miskito, Lenca

Religion(s) None official

Majority: Roman Catholicism Minority: Protestantism, native american polytheism

Discord [1]
Government Information
Political System Democratic multi-party presidential republic
Executive President
Legislature National Congress
Constitution (In spanish)
Economic System Free market economy with state oversight
Army Size
Part of

The Republic of Honduras (Spanish: República de Honduras) is a sovereign nation and republic located in Central America. Comprised of 18 departments (provinces), it borders the Republic of Nicaragua to its southeast, El Salvador to its southwest, and Guatemala to its west. Despite its small population and relatively recent origin in the Ro-Nations Community, it has been noted for its fast development and its active role in international affairs.

War with Novaria

In the early times of its existence, Honduras had gone to war with Novaria over a territorial dispute regarding the country's western territories. The war, lasting a few days, had produced no battles, and it ultimately ended in a Honduran victory by default due to Novaria's dissolution.

Resurgence after inactivity

Honduras had grown inactive for a few months since the end of the war with Novaria. However, the project was revived and given more funding, in the form of a Roblox group. Currently, the group is active and is developping a city roleplay game and a military base.