Federal Republic of Germany

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Federal Republic of Germany

German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Motto "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit"
National Anthem "Das Lied der Deutschen"
Capital Berlin
Largest city Berlin
Oldest city Trier
Official languages
Ethnic groups German 85.4%,

Turkish 1.8%, Ukrainian 1.4%, Syrian 1.1%, Romanian 1%, Poland 1%

Demonym(s) Germans
Government Federal parliamentary republic
President Vincenzo_Js
Chancellor elialion3456
Ministry of foreign affairs [Redacted]
Ministry of Defense [Redacted]
president, king, what ever player name
Legislature Bundestag
Independence from (()), established (()) (keep empty if neither)
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
Population 200 (not the irl one, ur groups population)
Currency Currency Name
Driving Side right or left
Region Africa, Europe, Asia
Discord link to discord

Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany, was a country in the western region of Central Europe.


The English word Germany derives from the Latin Germania, which came into use after Julius Caesar adopted it for the peoples east of the Rhine. The German term Deutschland, originally diutisciu land ('the German lands') is derived from deutsch (cf. Dutch), descended from Old High German diutisc 'of the people' (from diot or diota 'people'), originally used to distinguish the language of the common people from Latin and its Romance descendants. This in turn descends from Proto-Germanic *þiudiskaz 'of the people' (see also the Latinised form Theodiscus), derived from *þeudō, descended from Proto-Indo-European *tewtéh₂- 'people', from which the word Teutons also originates.

Incorporation into the Reich

Germany was unified with Berlinia on the 4th of April 2024 ending the German Three State Crisis.