Nation: Liberland

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Flag of Liberland
Coat of Arms
Liberland Coat Of Arms
National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Motto "To Live and Let Live."
Population 2~ (As of 13/01/2023)
Capital City Liberland
Largest City
Oldest City
Region Balkans
Language(s) Majority languages: Croat, Serbian.
Religion(s) Catholic (Official)
Government Information
Political System Military Led Government.
President Aminut
Economic System Stratocracy
Army Size
Part of

Liberland, was a short lived nation in the Balkans situated as a buffer state between Croatia and Serbia. It was created after a insurgency which caused Croat troops to pull back from the region and recognise independence of Liberland on the 13th of January.

The insurgency

Main Page: Liberland Border Insurgency The Liberland Border Insurgency was a small war between the Croatian Armed Forces and Liberlanders. Around 70 people died in the insurgency and it resulted in independence in Liberland which only lasted for two days. During the insurgency Croatian forces suffered multiple defeats at the hands of guerrilla warfare tactics, the Croats in turn changed their approach and attacked in flanking manoeuvres overwhelming the insurgents.


On the 15th of January Liberland was fully re-incorporated into Croatia.


Liberland was led by a military dictatorship with Aminut as its sole leader. There were no elections.


Liberland acted as a buffer point between Croatia and Serbia and thus was not condemned when it revolted. War was already ramping up in the tense region and it served to be a wall against it. The only nation that send aid to Croatia during the insurgency was The Kingdom of Cork. Serbia did announce their disproval of Liberland but did not act upon any of it. Liberland's independence was massively recognised after the insurgency, countries like Croatia, Cork, Celtic Union, Pomerania and Serbia all recognising Liberland's independence.


Liberland never formed an official standing army but instead had militias. The main issued gun was the AK47 however captured Croatian m16's were extensively used.

Average Liberlandish soldier.


Liberland was annexed into Croatia on the 15th of January however still has some form of legacy behind, being its own military unit. The Liberland Socialist Defence Division was officially formed on the annexation of Liberland. It stands as a strong unit in the Croatian army and sees active deployment.