Republic of Nicaragua

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The Republic of Nicaragua (Spanish: República de Nicaragua) is the largest nation in the Central American isthmus, bordered by Honduras to its north and Costa Rica to its south.

The group's current president, and also its founder, is totallyNOTjacob55 (a.k.a. invisvivble, and its vicepresident is Nathan18_61.

República de Nicaragua
Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Motto En Dios Confiamos
Population 5
Capital City Managua
Largest City Managua
Oldest City Granada
Region Central America, Latin America
Language(s) Official: Spanish
Religion(s) None official

Majority: Roman Catholicism

Discord [1]
Government Information
Political System Democratic presidential republic
Executive Office of the President
Legislature National Assembly
Economic System Free market capitalism
Army Size
Part of