Storm Saoirse

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Storm Saoirse was an event that happened on the island of Hibernia on the 10th of February 2024.

The Storm

The storm was reported in some instances to have winds up too 90mph (144.84km/h). Making it a category 2 storm.

Around 120mm of rain was expected with heavy flooding in most lowland areas and agricultural areas. Additionally there was multiple tornado warnings.


Storm Saoirse caused over $19,000,000USD in damages, the majority of which being powerlines being cut, damages roads, damages dockyards and even 2 sunken civilian vessels. No recorded casualties.



Cork put emergency services on alert and closed off all roads/motorways/trains/flights/boats [1].

The Corkonian government funded "Cork Independent" news agency warned everyone to seek shelter and too not go out.

Celtic Union

The Celtic Union initially requested a contract to Denmark to get the DEMA to give aid relief to Celtic civilians during Storm Saoirse. The government alerted that the coast guard and defence forces would be coordinating with other agencies to ensure relief aid and "appropriate and proactive response in case of damages" follow.

The Celtic Union news agency the Nuacht pobal na Eireann (Irish community news) alerted the areas of red weather warnings and orange weather warnings.

  1. The Cork Independent, (National Weather Warning), 10/02/2024.