Tunisian-Alexandrian conflict

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Tunisian-Alexandrian conflict
Date 14th April - 14th April 2024
Location Medderterain
Status Ended
Result Tunisia becomes a Hellenic sister republic
Tunisia Alexandria


Commanders and Leaders
Starssinthehood Viper



Units Involed
Tunisian Armed Forces[1] Hellenic armed forces
2 11
Casualties and Losses
0 0
Other Casualties 0
Total Casualties 0

The Tunisian-Alexandrian conflict otherwise known as the 1 hour conflict was one of the shortest wars in RoNation's history. It was fought between the newly made republic of Tunisia and the republic of Alexandria.


The war began when the republic of Alexandria announced its plans to proclaim the Mediterranean, this included lands such as Turkish territories, Egyptian and Libyan along with Tunisian. Under the operation "Hellenic sailors" coined by Viper Alexandria planned to conqueror most of the Mediterranean[2].

The war

The war began by Alexandria announcing full plans to dispatch a naval flotilla along with an air squadron to overwhelm the Tunisian airforce, of which the Hellenics would then commence a naval invasion. Japan agreed to send their naval fleet to aid the Hellenics in their conquest.

The Tunisians initially began attempting to cease the war and commence peace negotiations in which it failed. However, the Hellenics were open to a peace deal when it came clear Tunisia would not survive the war.

Peace terms

The peace terms were that Tunisia is to become a Hellenic sister republic, essentially acting as a semi-independent state within the expanded Hellenic territories[3].

Tunisia soon agreed to these conditions with the added chance they expand into east Algeria.


The treaty in full

The war only lasted less than an hour making it the shortest war from the 14th of April 2024. It resulted in zero deaths and casualties. Tunisia allowed the Hellenic armed forces to have unlimited access to ports, airports and military bases and effectively became a puppet state of Alexandria.

The signing of the treaty took place at 8:34pm (GMT)[4].

Foreign reactions