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Flag of Denmark
Coat of Arms
Danish Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Motto "God's help, the people's love, Denmark's strength"
Population 5 (As of 08/01/2023)
Capital City Copenhagen
Largest City Copenhagen
Oldest City Ribe
Region Northern Europe (Scandinavia)
Language(s) Majority languages: Danish, German Minority languages: Swedish
Religion(s) Evangelical Lutheran (Official)
Government Information
Political System parliamentary monarchy
King Of Denmark unknown
Executive Unkown
Legislature Unkown
Constitution None
Economic System Capitalism
Army Size
Part of

Denmark is a small country in Scandinavia. Located between the Scandinavian Peninsula and Central Europe, the country covers an area of 43,094 km², of which 23,872 km² are on the Jutland Peninsula and the rest on islands. Denmark is an economically strong country. The country has a great technological progress compared to others.