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Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan{{{native_name}}}
flag of nation.png or .svg (preferred svg) coat of arms.png or coat of arms.svg
Motto "Motto of the nation" ((ENGLISH ONLY!!!))
National Anthem national anthem of nation
map of the country (USE THE HOI4 PROVINCES MAP!)
Capital Capital Goes Here
Largest city Largest City Goes Here
Oldest city Oldest City Goes Here
Official languages

31% Language 1
21% Language 2
11% Language 3

Ethnic groups

31% Ethnic Group 1
21% Ethnic Group 2
11% Ethnic Group 3

Demonym(s) Natiaon (the name of people from here)
Government Consitutional Monarchy, Parlimentary Republic (BE SPECIFIC!)
president, king, what ever player name
president, king, what ever player name
president, king, what ever player name
president, king, what ever player name
president, king, what ever player name
Legislature Example, house of commons
Executive Example, house of lords, congress
Independence from (()), established (()) (keep empty if neither)
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
• Declared, Formed, Created, Annexed, Occupied, ect. 20th Janurary 2020
Population 200 (not the irl one, ur groups population)
Currency Currency Name
Driving Side right or left
Region Africa, Europe, Asia
Discord link to discord
This article is currently a work in progress.
This article is in the process of developing its contents. Refrain from any edits to Afghanistan, without first contacting the main page editor.

Afghanistan or the Islamic Emirate Of Aghanistan is a country in Middle Eastern Asia.


Excursion into Pakistan

On April 15th 2024 Afghanistan's military was formed, for the next few days they deployed troops to key points in Pakistan. This invasion led to the further expansion of diplomatic ties for the country, in particular, it led to further exports of oil to Germany increasing Afghan-German relations.

Taliban takeover

On the 19th of April 2024 the government announced that the country was seized by the Taliban[1], the Afghani Armed Forces and Afghani Police Force have remained untouched and active however this resulted in a change of the Afghani legal system.

The law reformation of Afghanistan occurred on April 19th 2024, this occurred when the Taliban seized government agencies, and took control of governance...............


Afghanistan is governed by a monarchy, however it is a constitutional monarchy at best, with there being a communist party being in charge of the government. The monarch...


Afghanistan is located in middle eastern Asia. The country's land is known for being mountainous and arid. The expanse of the country is populated with natural resources, such as oil being the predominant one.



See also