History of the Faroe Islands
The Faroe Islands have for some point been a largely contested area within RoNations. Currently as of the 27th January 2024 the Faroe Islands are entirely administrated by Denmark.
Republic of Wessel
On 16th March 2023 the Republic of Wessel (a short lived microstate) possessed control over the Faroe islands and decided to set course for Iceland. Wessel did not last for long and soon collapsed leaving Faroe uncontrolled for a while.
Celtic Claims
On the 16th May 2023 the Celtic Union released an image documenting their claims. This image contained the Faroe islands within it along with the Shetland Islands. This move was somewhat unpopular with both the Faroe population and Cork who subsequently released their claims, to avoid political discourse and conflict the Faroe islands were not included, however the Corkonian government at the time had plans to claim the island and establish a colony. The Corkonian government did not make a public statement on the Celtic Claims of the island though. Denmark also did not make any public announcement regarding Celtic developments.
Most of these events are lost to time.
Island split into three
During mid 2023 the Celtic Union, Free State of Cork and Denmark all agreed on dividing the island, Cork would get the lower bit, Denmark the north east and Celtic Union the north west.