Battle of Belgrade

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Battle of Belgrade
Part of: The Incursion
Initial Celtic artillery barrage.
Date 17th February 2024
Location Belgrade
Result Celtic pyrrhic victory
  • Belgrade captured
  • Some objectives not met
  • Serbia pushed back
  • Celts take huge casualties
Status Ended.
Celtic Union Serbia
Commanders and leaders
killenoob08 Elit_Serbia
3 7
Casualties and losses

  • 12 ERC-90 Armoured Cars[1]
  • 1 Attack Helicopter shot down
  • 20 Corkonians dead
  • 100~ to 120~ Celts dead

  • 4 BMP-1 destroyed
  • 70~ to 100~ serbs dead
Other Casualties and losses

  • 20~ Civilians dead.

The Battle of Belgrade was a battle between the Celtic Union and Serbia. It resulted in the fall of Belgrade from Serbia to the Celtic Union, however at huge expense of both Celtic and Corkonian lives.


The battle happened after the incredible success of the Celtic Airborne Invasion of Belgrade the Celtic Army decided to launch an attack north, with the help of Corkonian civilian volunteers from the Rathlin Royal Militia[2]. The Rathlin Royal Militia were frequently used as flanking troops.

The Battle

The battle started with a Celtic artillery bombardment that killed some Serbians and damaged the buildings, however the Serbians were able to entrench and held onto the buildings for a while. Eventually the Celts, desperate for progress called in air support which mostly failed and resulted in the loss of a attack helicopter. The initial attack also saw huge use of armoured cars in the assault, the ERC-90 was used on the Celtic side with the Serbians deploying their own BMP-1 (and the Serbians made extensive use of AT weapons which devastated the Celtic attack)

The Siege

It was clear the Celtics were not making progress and by halfway through the battle they had already lost 7 armoured cars, 1 helicopter and 70 dead. The Celts decided to settle down into a night time artillery bombardment, which somewhat worked however the Serbians fortified and dug trenches which resulted in the bombardments failing.


With no clear way to progress, the Celtics resorted to digging tunnels, a already proven strategy which helped extensively in the 4th Cork-Celtic war.

  1. 1 ERC-90 Panhard captured by Serbia
  2. The Rathlin Royal Militia sent troops to aid the Celts. However, up until the battle of Belgrade, only 60% have survived the war.