The Incursion

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The Incursion
Part of:
Date 21st January - 22nd February 2024
Location Europe.
Result European Victory
  • Texas fails to invade Europe
  • Texan navy fails to break Celtic and Corkonian Blockade
  • Texas calls for whitepeace.
Status Ended.
European Defence Alliance

Kingdom of Cork Cork

Commanders and leaders
* Junker * TexanJRebel
Around 40 Around 40~
Casualties and losses
55~ 300+
Other Casualties and losses
Casualties (Military): 55~ Casualties (Military): 45~

Casualties (Civilian): 0 Casualties (Civilian): 200+

The Incursion is a conflict ongoing. It involves an entire European coalition to combat the Texan attempt to advance their sphere of influence into Europe. Texas argues its duty is to combat world socialism and to help spread their ideals and conservative values, regardless of who and where.


The conflict has its roots when the Republic of Texas initially spoke against the Socialist Government of Croatia, relations between Croatia and Texas began to deteriorate rather quickly, eventually reaching a boiling point when the Celtic Union and Kingdom of Cork jointly founded a coalition of European states to defend themselves against Texan assaults. This resulted in the Texan President declaring a "military police action" against the Socialist Croatian Government, many European nations then declared full-military support for Croatia, beginning the conflict.


Texas Invasions of the Suez

Texas attempted to circumvent the Corkonian and Celtic naval blockades of the Atlantic by going around Africa and invading via the Suez. This however failed due to supply issues and Texas calling for a white peace.

Bombing of Belgrade

Main Article: Celtic bombing of Serbia
The Celtic Airforce bomber fleet launched a pre-bombing of Belgrade. The squadron involved consisted of around two B-52 bombers and a single f-16 fighter. Cruise missiles where launched over Serbia and around 20 Serbian Mig-29s.

Battle of Belgrade

Main Article: Celtic Airborne Invasion of Belgrade
The Celtic Union in attempts to quell Serbian influence in the South of Europe decided to launch an air assault campaign. The Celtic Forces comprised of

  • 1st Special Operations aviation squadron
  • the North Tipperary volunteer battalion
  • "Alpha" Directorate of the Army Ranger Wing

There were also numerous Danish troops present in the invasion. At 4pm on Thursday, the 16th of February 2024 Celtic helicopters poured over the Serbian border, and landed at key targets in the south and north of the country, (notably southern Belgrade). Stiff and instant resistance was met in the urban outskirts of Belgrade, but there was a lesser and much delayed response in the mountainous regions around Belgrade. During the following minutes of the battle multiple Celts and Serbs were killed in action with a Celtic ARW squad almost being wiped out entirely. However, the battle resulted in a Celtic Victory and Belgrade soon later fell.

Texan Calls for White peace

Texas, with numerous domestic issues such as multiple Texan Uprisings rebellions, being overstretched and economic issues sent out calls for white peace. This was declined by Cork however the United Kingdom attempted to form an alliance over this, in which they are blockaded by Cork. The United Kingdom then shut down that alliance.

Cork stated the reasons of declining was Texas could easily start the war back up when they are done and that the Texan navy must be sunk before peace will be signed. The Celts, also declined.

Texan Dissolution

Texas dissolved on the 16th of February 2024 officially ending the war.

Serbian Surrender

  1. Wales soon later was annexed into Cork and was no longer independent.
  2. Croatia collapsed but was then reformed.
  3. Czech government collapsed mid-war.
  4. Germanic Empire government collapsed mid-war
  5. Denmark never declared however sent soldiers to aid the Celts.